Much has been written about the three superstars forming Them Crooked Vultures including me. A lot of mystery surrounded their shows but slowly they revealed the songs. So by the time the album was released we knew what the music was about but what would it sound like on a studio album?
Them Crooked Vultures - Them Crooked Vultures (Ronald Says 8 out of 10)
Live it sounds great as I was lucky enough to experience twice. Dave Grohl and John Paul Jones simply are the dream rythm section of every rock band. Together with Josh Homme's vocals and stoner guitar sound the songs sound heavy and rough with nice twists. All these elements are still there on the album. Grohl's drum play simply is incredibly strong with killer grooves and rolling fills. A loose style with lots of swing. It's clear he paid close attention to his big example John Bonham. No wonder it works very good with Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones who once again shows why he was so important for the 70s rock band. Songs like 'Scumbag Blues' and 'New Fang' are perfect for this grooving combo.
'Mind Eraser, No Chaser', 'Dead End Friends' and 'Warsaw Or The First Breath You Take After You Give Up' seem to be taken straight of a Queens of the Stone Age album. 'Elephant' is a perfect blend of both worlds.
Not all songs are equally good. 'Interlude With Ludes' is a psychedelic sounding song but seems be going nowhere. Fortunately others are brilliant like my personal favourite 'Gunman' that has all the ingredients for the perfect rock tune.
In the end no one was actually expecting anything ground breaking or special anymore. And I don't think that was ever their objective. This is just the perfect example of a very good rock album. And it's obvious the three musicians had a great time recording it. And so will I listening to it over and over again.
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