Thursday, 7 June 2012

Crazy Ride With White Denim

It's nice when a band can blow you away with great music. White Denim is one of those bands that surprised me a lot a few times. I got to know them when they released Fits a few years ago. Successor D was even better and their performance on Lowlands last year made me want more. And I finally got more.

White Denim at Melkweg Amsterdam, May 28 2012 White Arrows are the support act for this leg of the club tour. And they do a decent job. Their music is interesting and the boys put down a good show. The band does need some more variation in their songs and stage act. The Springsteen cover 'I'm On Fire' may be a funny gimmick but it's nothing more than that. They better leave it out.

When White Denim start off they don't cut around the bush. A fifteen minute jam sets the tone for the night. What follows is an over ninety minutes roller coaster ride into space. I got their début album Workout Holiday after their performance and it shows how much this band has grown over the years. The mostly garage rock from the beginning has evolved into a spacey mix of jazz, blues soul and rock. They fly into any possible direction, extending their songs into long hypnotizing jams from time to time.

That doesn't mean the performance is a complete wild mix of songs. The band can hold everything together nicely which alone is a great achievement. They are playing their music full of fire and make it all look so easy. The complex rhythms, grooves and riffs seem to be child's play to the band members. Guitar player Austin Jenkins is a good addition to the band. It keeps the songs going all the time at the same level even when singer James Petralli isn't playing himself. And he seems to have a lot of fun at it. Many times he's playing with a big smile on his face. Together with Petralli and bass player Steven Terebecki they're sometimes moving towards drum player Joshua Block as if they are still playing in a garage. This band is tight and loose at the same time.

The small venue has filled up nicely, although there's still room for more people. It's hard to believe this band isn't drawing bigger crowds. It's obvious it's hard to stand still. Most of the people are dancing or at least nodding their head. Hard cover fans are completely going crazy at the front of the stage. When they have ended their set the band has to answer to the loud cheers and play a few encores. This performance was over in no time, but also seemed to last for hours. White Denim truly take you onto a fabulous journey beyond time and space.

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