Saturday, 8 June 2019

Best Kept Secret Festival 2019 Day 1

Like every year we're heading south to hang around with some wild animals at Safari Park Beekse Bergen, hunting for well kept secrets at the Best Kept Secret festival. They have a huge line-up once again, so let's get going.

Best Kept Secret 2019 Day 1, May 31 2019


Two years ago I got introduced to Blossoms on this festival and liked their show. So I wanted to check them out again now they got promoted to the main stage. I still like their catchy songs that sound clever and tight. But maybe because it’s still early it doesn’t come across as an inspired set. The young band kind of work their way through their set on auto pilot and don't really look like they want to fire up the crowd who are enjoying the sun.

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Primal Scream

Bobby Gillespie and friends are simply a legendary band that was very influential. I know they can play epic sets when you’re lucky. Today may not be epic but it is a good show nevertheless. The band decides to play a greatest hits set which turns out to be a good choice. This band has so many good songs and many of them hit bulls eye this afternoon. Gillespie is in a very good mood and is watching how the crowd has a great time with a big smile on his face. He's truly pleased when everyone is dancing to great tunes like 'Loaded' and of course 'Rocks' for our first real party of the day.

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The avant-garde band Stereolab have been away for ten years but announced their comeback last year, confirming playing some festival dates. The indie electro pop sound is quite interesting and clever and it's nice to hear for a while. But after a few songs I notice I start to lose interest. Maybe it's not the right moment for me to truly enjoy the mellow music and there isn't exactly a lot happening on stage, so we decide to look elsewhere.

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Psychedelic Porn Crumpets

We don't have to look hard, since I already was hoping to see this band. It is one of the reasons why I like festivals so much. The Australian band is relatively unknown but excels today with an amazing performance. Psychedelic rock songs that are damn catchy and simply sound amazing in a tent that completely fills up. The crowd loves the group from Down Under and the band is feeding on that energy, getting better by the minute. Their psychedelic jams are wonderful and intense. This was a best kept secret but probably not for long.

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Priests’ name has been buzzing around and l like their light punk songs. Katie Alice Greer is very lively on stage and really is carrying the band. When drummer Daniele Daniele takes over for one song, the performance kind of looses its momentum and although they switch back again, they aren't able to pick it up again. The songs sound pretty good though and I loved their version of Danzig's 'Mother'. Maybe because I had high expectations I feel the band didn’t really deliver today.

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Bon Iver is the headliner and closing the main stage for a day. I know I don't really like their music, but still want to give it a try, since I may be suprised. However after a few songs I decide to leave and head to Jambinai. It's been a long time since I saw the Korean rock band play in Barcelona. I like their post-rock sound where they combine traditional instruments with modern ones. In the dark tent the music works really well, turning the place into an atmospheric place.

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Crack Cloud

This Canadian band is a remarkable one, consisting of (ex)drug addicts who use music to overcome their problems and addictions. Centred on stage is drummer Zack Choy and the other members are standing around them. Crack Cloud is a collective with a lot more members but I understand this is kind of the core. Their post-punk is intense and groovy, with guitars that nail themselves in your head. With an incredible tempo the band is ploughing their way through their relentless set like there's no tomorrow.

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After seeing this British band a couple of times, I know they will totally deliver. By now everyone knows they will turn every show into a big messy party and tonight is not different. Right form the start the crowd flies into it and so does the band. The group is always full of energy, fronted by the charismatic Charlie Steen. The young men put everything in their powerful punk and rock songs with never ending effort. Steen is firing up the crowd that already has turned into a swirling mass of dancing bodies. It may be late at night but this crowd has plenty of energy left to turn this place upside down. Definitely one of the best things we will see this weekend I’m sure.

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We stick around stage Five for BCUC, or Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness. African music can always please me and BCUC from Soweto gives a very original twist to their music. Two drums lay down a simple but irresistible groove. Jovi is signing and rapping his lyrics from the heart and the band is putting down an inspired show. Kgomotso Mokone adds beautiful vocals to balance it out, with beautiful harmonies and soul. Their songs are traditional rhythms, rites, gospel and soul, presented in a modern and playful way. The band play with a lot of passion giving this hungry crowd the dance party it asks for and the everyone simply loves it.

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We head to the Casbah where we are able to catch the last bit of DITZ' show. I like what I hear there, violent punk rock, sharp as a razor blade. Pounding drums and heavy guitars that try to hammer their way into my head. It's hard to actually see the band, since the Casbah doesn't really allow it. It is probably the reason why there's an extra stage Seven this year and why there aren't that many bands playing here. But DITZ is a perfect fit for this place, at this late hour, with a few more beers and some loud punk music to top off this day.

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And what a day it's been! I saw so many bands and diverse music that my head is spinning. Can't be the beers right?

All Pictures

Best Kept Secret Festival 2019 Day 2
Best Kept Secret Festival 2019 Day 3

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