Tuesday, 19 November 2019

On Stage: Monomyth @ Melkweg

From The Hague dwells the psych rock band Monomyth who operate far from the mainstream with their krautrock soundscapes. I've been following the band for quite a while but haven't seen them play live a lot. For some reason I keep missing them whenever they are visiting a venue close by. This year they released their fourth LP Orbis Quadrantis and I get a new chance to see the quintet on stage.

Monomyth at Melkweg Amsterdam, November 15 2019

On the four records the band likes to explore new grounds and doesn't restrict themself too much. You can clearly hear this tonight when they take us on a tour through their catalogue. The four songs of their new album are spread across the setlist and they play at least one song from the other ones. Heavy grooving rock songs are alternating with more light Pink Floyd like soundscapes with wonderful solos from guitarist Boudewijn Bonebakker.

When Peter van der Meer and Tjerk Stoop swap guitars for keys and other electronic sounds, the band takes off into space and flies by unexplored galaxies. When bassist Selwyn Slop and drummer Sander Evers flex their muscles, the sound becomes heavy with a thundering roar and powerful grooves. The band will always take their time though, patiently building up their songs, stretching them out to long soundscapes with repeating elements. Most songs last for a minute or ten, at least.

This is what makes their music so strong, the repeating grooves and riffs that put you in a trance, while the solos make sure it never gets boring. Sometimes they will work their way up to several climaxes, that are greeted by loud cheers of the crowd at the small stage all the way at the top of Melkweg. This band has found a unique sound and created a whole world all by themself. Their records prove the creativity and talent of the group, that sounds even better live on stage when the music comes alive and sounds even more deep. I hope to catch them more often when they come to visit in the future.

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