Friday, 20 May 2011

QOTSA Make Effenaar And Paradiso Shake

When Kyuss fell apart and Josh Homme and some other members started Queens of the Stone Age their self titled début album didn't even make that big an impression. Now many years later it is clear that it was far more important to music history than was notable at that time. Together with the fact that it was impossible to buy new copies of the original album it was time for a re-release earlier this year. And the band are now on a short accompanying tour to celebrate.

Queens of the Stone Age at Effenaar Eindhoven, May 14 2011 (Ronald Says 7 out of 10)
At Paradiso Amsterdam, May 15 2011 (Ronald Says 8 out of 10)

When I tried to get tickets for Paradiso I was unlucky. It sold out in a few minutes. Fortunately I had also decided to go to the Effenaar with some friends and those tickets were no problem. By a chance of luck and the help of the very friendly and considerate bartender of our local pub (thanks again Duco) I was also able to get tickets for Paradiso as well in the end.

And that proved to be a a worthy investment. In the Effenaar the band are loud and tight as they should be. But they don't seek a lot of interaction with the crowd. Also like on every show in this tour they play the full album, but after playing only a few songs in two encores they are gone after only one and a half hour. This seems pretty short.

How different is this the night after. The band seems really excited to play in Paradiso and Josh Homme tells us many times. He's a lot more chatty and obviously is enjoying himself. Unlike the night before apparently, because at one point he mentions the show in Eindhoven "really sucked". Maybe it was Amsterdam's soccer club Ajax winning the Dutch championship helping as well but everyone is really into it and the night turns into a great rock show with special vibes.

After playing the first songs of the album the two encores are a lot longer than the night before. Josh Homme is asking for requests and of course that leads to a few of their hits. But they also play a few lesser known songs. The crowd doesn't mind and just goes along with it. This shows how big a band QOTSA really is. Actually way to big for these kind of venues which makes it even more special seeing them play here. Also it proves how big a monument that first album is. After all these years those songs still make quite an impact and when played with such confidence they sound even more overwhelming.

When seeing two of the same shows in a row it's easy to compare. This weekend showed how much two nights can differ. And so it ends with one good night and one unforgettable night.

More Pictures Effenaar and more Pictures Paradiso.

More Videos.

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