Saturday, 11 November 2017

On Stage: Warhaus @ Paradiso Tolhuistuin

The side projects of the Balthazar members have proven to be more than worth it and show where Balthazar is coming from. Every single one of them is different but bear elementary pieces of their successful band. Maarten Devoldere's Warhaus already released its second album that sounds just as wonderful as the first one and tonight we can hear those new songs live.

Warhaus at Paradiso Tolhuistuin Amsterdam, November 9 2017

Devoldere started this project by himself and got his girlfriend Sylvie Kreusch to join him down the road. By now he has formed a solid band around him that now is playing the songs with a lot of power. Since the last time I saw them a year ago the songs sound even better. The grooves sound even more sultry and laid back, while Devoldere's lazy vocals float comfortably on top.

The new self-titled LP continues where the first album left off, not really exploring any new ground but adding more of those sexy songs to their catalog. The band adds samples and sequences to the mix to replicate the songs of the albums, creating that dark night club atmosphere that suits this music. Devoldere's girl-friend Kreusch acts as femme fatale and dances at the back of the stage continuously, showing tempting moves. She's maybe overdoing it a bit now and then but it spices up the show. At the same time she adds backing vocals that also spice up the songs.

It is clear Devoldere is a creative and talented musician that is full of ideas. It won't be long until Balthazar will come back from hiatus and he will be busy again. Hopefully he will find time in the future for Warhaus, since this is a project that I would like to hear a lot more from.

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